So since my birthday is coming up I think it is only fair I buy myself a nice dress. My birthday party will require an outfit since bowling in a dress is probably not the most appropriate, but for the day before Valentine's Day dinner I will need a dress. So here are my choices (I have not tried them on yet but they can't be too bad!) from Anthropologie, of course. I think I am going to get the All Seasons Shirtdress anyways cause its not a bad price. The Rushing Ruffles Dress is really standing out to me right now in terms of comfort, but it since its only one color it is a bit boring to me. It has looked amazing on every customer I have seen try it on, but I'm wondering if the dreaded love handles would peek out. The Tassel Fonda Dress is amazing. Looks so great on the hanger but for some reason I haven't seen anyone try it on. It's really the style I am wanting my wardrobe to be like. And lastly, the Snow Covered Fields Dress is also very nice, I love the print, the shape, but I think I might be over the skirt top sewn together thing. Anyway decisions decisions... Tassel Fonda Dress
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